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Maximise your mind by learning how to identify different feelings and emotions.

This involves understanding more about different feelings and emotions to gain greater self-awareness.

Learn about feelings

what is feeling...


· I find it difficult to relax
· I find myself getting agitated
· I use a lot of nervous energy


· I find it hard to breathe
· I feel I'm close to panic
· I sometimes get the shakes


  · I don't have positive feelings
· I'm not excited by anything
 · I don't feel enthusiastic


· I feel embarrassed / silly
· I doubt myself a lot
· I think people are judging me


· I feel stuck
· I don't know what to do
· I feel empty inside


· I feel confused
· I'm not sure what's wrong
· I don't feel right

is my student feeling...


what does this mean?

MaxiMinds my stress!

is my student feeling...


what does this mean?

MaxiMinds my anxiety!

is my student feeling...


what does this mean?

MaxiMinds my down feelings!

is my student feeling...


what does this mean?

MaxiMinds my self-consciousness!

is my student feeling...


what does this mean?

MaxiMinds my lost feelings!

is my student feeling...


what does this mean?

MaxiMinds my uncertainty!

MaxiMinds is not an emergency mental health service. If you or someone you know are in urgent need of help, please present to the emergency department at your nearest hospital or contact the following mental health crisis teams.  

Emergency 000 | Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 | Lifeline 13 14 11