Stressed brain character

am I feeling...


help me!

to identify, manage and channel my stressed feelings, I want to...

am I lost?

Take the quiz to learn more about where you are feeling lost.

Once you complete the questions, it will direct you to the most suitable resources that support you in maximising your mind!

learn about feeling lost

Watch the video below to learn more about what it's like to feel lost, and what you can do about it!

read about feeling lost

Read blog posts below to gain a better understanding of feeling lost

feeling lost?

#lost #nodirection

Feeling lost can be different for everyone. It’s a complex emotion with no clear, clinical definition. However, there are signs we can point to that may suggest we are feeling lost...

finding your direction

#direction #future #purpose

When we feel lost, we may feel like we have lost our sense of direction in life. Finding your direction first involves gaining greater self-awareness about you, including...

lost then

#direction #future #goals

Year 12 was a whirlwind for me. I remember having lots of fun and learning a lot but I also remember being stressed for most of the year. There was so much to do...

I can manage my lost feelings by doing...


write down my daily activities to maximise my healthy habits & minimise my unhealthy habits


draw my wellness wheel
(current & future state) across multiple domains to determine ‘where to next’


record my daily, weekly
& monthly tasks to structure my life in a productive & healthy way


find my Ikigai—what i am good at, what i like doing, what the world needs & what i can get paid for


write a list of activities that i am good at, interested in and enjoy doing (& do them!)


write down 3-5 SMART goals to determine my future hopes, dreams & desired achievements


break my overwhelming list of tasks into
1 big task, 3 medium tasks & 5 small tasks


balance my morning ’to do’ list with a nightly ‘ta da’ list to reflect on the day’s achievements


journal my thoughts
and feelings to declutter my mind & develop
greater self-awareness

your turn to do activities!

To manage your lost feelings, download (right mouse click to save) and complete the below activities either digitally or print them out and grab a pen!

talk to a psychologist

Talking through your challenges with a professional psychologist allows you to have more personalised support and make best use of the MaxiMinds tools.

Book an online 1:1 psychology session below or visit our FAQs below if you have questions.


What are the advantages of Telehealth?
Will our session be confidential?

MaxiMinds is not an emergency mental health service. If you or someone you know are in urgent need of help, please present to the emergency department at your nearest hospital or contact the following mental health crisis teams.  

Emergency 000 | Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 | Lifeline 13 14 11