Year 12 was a whirlwind for me. I remember having lots of fun and learning a lot but I also remember being stressed for most of the year. There was so much to do and so little time to do it. In just one year we had to fit in 40 weeks of classes, homework, assignments and assessments, while making time for friends and family, extracurricular activities, work and social events. As if that wasn’t stressful enough, there was always the thought in the back of my mind, a thought that influenced what classes I picked, how hard I would work on my assessments, how much time I could spend with my family, how often I could see my friends...
“What am I supposed to do next?”
Just thinking about the future stressed me out because, deep down, I just felt lost. I knew I wanted to go to university, but I didn’t know why or what for. I can’t tell you the amount of times I deep dived through university websites, browsing every single degree they offered, and the amount of pros and cons lists I drafted up comparing degrees, universities and jobs. It was such an overwhelming time and I remember wanting to put a pause on life for a bit, just to figure everything out and get back on track.
I didn’t know it then, but I’ve since realised that I’m not the only one who felt that way, almost everyone I know felt lost in some way during the last years of school, and that’s completely normal. Looking back on it, I wonder how as 16- or 17-year-olds we were supposed to know where we want to be or what we want to do in 10 years’ time? Even now I don’t know what the future will look like for me and that’s still completely normal. But now, almost 5 years later, I know that there is support and tools and strategies that can help me manage these feelings of unease.
Online psychological services are a less intimidating way to access the help needed without having to walk into a psychologist’s office. MaxiMinds is a unique psychoeducation platform which offers immediate strategies and resources to recognise and manage the challenges we can face and help overcome the feelings that prevent us from thriving mentally.
Here are some of the useful tools that MaxiMinds recommends for use when feeling lost or directionless.
- Journalling. It sometimes takes time to recognise and digest what’s happening and what you’re feeling. Keeping a journal can help declutter what’s in your mind and change your thoughts by taking a more rational perspective to any situation.
- Ikigai. These feelings and thoughts can be so overwhelming that you might become feeling drained, exhausted and just unmotivated. To bring back that drive, try to find your “ikigai”—your life purpose. Your ikigai is the overlap of what you’re good at, what you like doing, what the world needs and importantly what you can get paid for. Finding this can inspire you and recognise your unique value and impact on the world.
- Bite size tasks. Too much on your plate? Too little time to do it all? Break down that overwhelming list into bite-sized chunks so you have one big task, three medium-sized tasks and five smaller ones. Reframing this can alleviate that overwhelming feeling by making what you need to do more achievable and giving you greater control over them.
Tools such as these are easy to practice and effective in managing when you feel lost, unmotivated or overwhelmed.
Do you recognise this experience and want to practice strategies to manage these feelings? Or just wanting to improve your mental wellbeing? Click here to find out what Maximinds can do for you.