We would like to remind you of three key things that can help reshape your mindset and free you from feeling unmotivated, unworthy, and stuck:
1. You don’t have to be perfect!
Perfection is an unrealistic illusion. It’s fine to have life goals, for example, but what we set out to do may never be achieved completely—aiming for perfection may even prevent us from starting out in the first place. Fear of never reaching our expectations can stop us from ever trying in the first place
2. Remember the strongest people don’t always succeed in what they set out to do.
People don’t always have complete confidence, but they do stay the course even if they don’t feel it or believe they deserve success What matters is the fact that we try and don’t give up easily.
3. And it’s not what we are that holds us back, it’s what we think we’re not or can’t do.
Ultimately, it is what we think that makes us who we are. Don’t let insecure thoughts to overshadow the amazing truth of who we are. We are good enough!
A few techniques on how to overcome the reasons why we may feel unsure include:
1. Create a comprehensive to-do list
We often feel unsure because we can feel lost in an overwhelming sea of tasks, causing us to feel directionless and unmotivated. Feeling overwhelmed isn’t about not knowing what to do, just not knowing what to do next.
Create a list of everything you need to do. Rank each task in terms of priority, and under each activity, list every sub-task. For example, if you need to write an essay, break this down into sub-tasks such as writing a title, devise three arguments, read a scholarly article. Laying everything out and being able to tick off the tasks gives us a sense of achievement, making us feel on track.
2. Take time off for favourite hobbies
If we feel empty or a bit numb, it may be a good idea to do something we enjoy, or an activity that challenges and absorbs us. Whether it’s something creative like cooking or even drawing, something nature-related like gardening, or even a new sport, doing these activities may help us feel again.
3. Talk to someone
Feeling unsure can be a scary and even lonely time. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, guardian, or even a mentor who you can speak to. Doing so can give an objective perspective on our problems and solutions we may have overlooked.
We also strongly recommend speaking to a mental health professional. They are the trained experts and serious cases of emotional numbness can be a sign of depression. Regardless, psychologists and counsellors are trained to help us cope with any difficulties we face, so it’s very worthwhile to get professional assistance and the right tools and techniques to help us break free from feeling uncertain or empty.
4. Acknowledge the emptiness
Sometimes, feeling empty may be the result of a loss or big change in our lives. Grief can look and feel different to everyone, and people respond differently to it. There are no right or wrong ways to deal with it. Feeling empty can even be a prelude to the different stages of grief.
In this case, give yourself time and space to grieve openly, and speak to someone who can listen with a kind and loving heart and give you the support you need and deserve.
Feeling unsure is often a vague and confusing emotion but when we can identify why we feel this way, it opens avenues to help us cope with this emotion.
If we start to doubt ourselves, just remember how far we’ve come–everything we’ve faced, the battles we’ve won, and the fears we’ve overcome.